Things You Must Know Before Applying For EHIC Card


Travelling to European countries has now become easier with E111 application. The application is needed for acquiring EHIC card. Only valid passport holders are allowed to attend this application online. You need to go through the renewal policy as well in order to enjoy the EHIC card benefits for long.

Special warnings

  • If any site is asking you to pay any charge or fee for EHIC application then you should not get into the trap as it is nothing but a scam. For E111 application, not a single penny needs to be invested rather you can get it for free. Do not rush rather you should make a proper verification online before getting into the concerned application process. You have to log into only the official site that has been recommended by experts. For more assistance, you can call the official number for grabbing more intricate details about the EHIC application. Do not believe on the false ads going on over Google these days rather you should research well.
  • Do not make the application blindly. See whether your country is eligible for getting EHIC card or not. You are requested going through the mentioned regulations and clauses thoroughly so that you can decide that whether you are eligible for the process or not. Moreover, you should also keep an eye on the cover you are getting. You should research more in order to know about the medical advantages that you are exactly getting from EHIC card. If you think that your needs are not getting fulfilled by the scheme then you should stick to travel insurance only.
  • A popular misconception is there that EHIC scheme can take the place of travel insurance. Well, this concept is completely wrong and you should never take any drastic decision on the basis of this prevalent myth. Travel insurance is a wide zone and EHIC scheme is just a small island on it. But this is also true that there are few limitations of travel insurance that can be easily fulfilled by EHIC out of which cost effectiveness is the most prominent one. Many people fail to afford expensive travel insurance plans and for them, EHIC is really a god’s gift. In spite of limited advantages, low income people choose to have EHIC scheme just for the sake of saving medical cost. Only smart researchers can enjoy EHIC advantages in full.
  • In case of travel insurance plan, one single plan can cover all family members but in case of EHIC, the policy is not the same. Individual EHIC application needs to be made for every member. Do not think that for kids the rule is different. Kids also need to have their individual cards for getting the permission of travelling along with their parents.

Only short trips can be covered by EHIC cards. You have to fill up every single detail in the form otherwise your application might get stuck all of a sudden. You can now get the privilege of choosing the language in which you are comfortable in. This facility has made E111 application much quicker and easier. EHIC card lost needs to be immediately reported so that the authority can arrange any substitute for the same.