The Simplest Ways to Update Your Bathroom


Refitting your entire bathroom can be costly and time consuming, if you don’t have the budget for a complete bathrooms makeover there are a number of things you can do to update the room, giving it a fresh feel and a totally new look.

Update Your Bathroom

Some of the simplest and best ways to update your bathroom on a budget are;

  • Re-paint. Re-painting your bathroom walls and fittings can give the room a completely different appearance, instantly transforming your bathroom. Particularly if you are happy with the existing fixtures such as storage cupboards and shelving units which can easily be reinvented with a simple coat of paint.
  • Invest in new soft furnishings. Supplying your bathroom with fresh, fluffy towels and rugs will instantly make it feel more luxurious and a space in which you feel comfortable and relaxed.
  • Install new fittings. Adding new fittings such as faucets and light switches, and accessories will help to achieve your bathroom makeover feel, helping to room to look as good as it did when first decorated.
  • Replace your shower curtain. Worn-out and wilting shower curtains can drastically age a bathroom so adding a brand-new clean curtain will make the room feel ten times better.
  • Install a new bathroom suite. Bathroom suites are often the first things to age in a bathroom due to usage, however, simple suites can be easily replaced for a limited budget. In some instances, the suite may not even need replacing and instead could be refinished or parts replaced such as bath panels and shower doors.
  • Revamp your flooring. Bathrooms flooring is often made from cheaper materials such as vinyl. This can be easily replaced independently of a complete overhaul and will cost very little. Vinyl tiles can be purchased directly from DIY stores and in some cases can be fitted over the top of existing flooring.
  • Replace your grout. Over time grouting collects dirt and grime, becoming discolored and unattractive. Replacing your grouting will give your bathroom a new lease of life and can be done by hiring a professional or giving it a go yourself.
  • Improve your bathroom lighting. Increasing or improving the lighting within your bathrooms will immediately change your perception of the room. You could introduce more light into the area through illuminated mirrors and extra lighting.
  • Improve storage. If your bathroom feels cluttered and cramped, simply introducing more storage to free-up space will make a huge difference. Try adding extra draws to storage units or using smaller space-saving accessories such as shower baskets or toilet roll holders.

Making your bathroom look more attractive is easy to achieve on a limited budget and does not necessarily require extensive refits and expensive new bathroom suites.