5 Tips For Making Your Vacuum Cleaner Last Longer


Vacuum cleaners are a mainstay in every household’s collection of appliances and if you want one of high quality, they can also be quite costly to replace. It is for this reason that you should look to keep hold of your current vacuum for as long as possible. We’re going to provide you with our 5 top tips for making your vacuum cleaner last for longer.

1. Use Repair Services

If you think your Vacuum is already on its last legs, then to ensure that you prolong its lifespan, we recommend that you use vacuum repair services London.

Providing a 95% first-time fix rate, they strip down your vacuum to perform a series of examinations, identifying any worn parts. What’s more, they also operate on a next day, in-home repair basis, meaning you wouldn’t even have to leave the house to have your vacuum fixed.

2. Check & Change Your Bag

If you’re not willing to pay the extra expense for a full vacuum service, there are a series of measures you can take to ensure your vacuum never requires a repair in the first place, one of which is regularly checking and changing your vacuum’s bag.

Often vacuum bags can become overfilled, which then clogs the motor and can lead to the vacuum overheating. The best practice for checking your bags is doing so once a week, and if the bag is two-thirds full, then replace them to ensure your vacuum reaches its optimal performance.

3. Check, Clean & Change Filters

If your vacuum is bagless, it more than likely relies on several filters to trap debris that passes by the dirt cup. These can be checked on at least a monthly basis, and depending on whether you have washable or disposable filters, they can be washed and put back in, or replaced altogether.  

If you don’t regularly check your vacuum’s filters they can become clogged, which then leads to overheating of the motor, depleting your vacuum’s suction ability, making it essentially useless.  

4. Clean The Brush Roll

The brush roll alongside the motor is one of the most important components inside a fully functioning vacuum, the cylindrical bristles are rotated at a high speed to extract substances from surfaces, and as a result, collect quite a lot dirt and dust.

Therefore, it is vital that you regularly clean the brush roll. You can do this by gently removing the roll from your vacuum and either cleaning it by hand removing any objects it may have picked up, or using soap and water to ensure it’s as clean as possible.  

5. Clean With Care

Next time you run your vacuum cleaner, just pay particular notice and care to your surroundings, this way you won’t inadvertently hoover up a subject which may damage your vacuum, requiring it to be repaired or worse, replaced.

We hope that these tips will serve you well in the future and they help to ensure your vacuum lasts for as long as possible.