Beauty Treatments & Pamper Sessions Perfect for Your Lunch Hour

beauty treatments

Unless you are fortunate enough to have plenty of spare time each day and, moreover, can spend this time pampering and indulging in some valuable ‘self-care’ time, if you always seem to be too busy to function, then pampering is often neglected.

So, in an effort to combat this and readdress the balance, here are five beauty treatments and pamper sessions that perfectly fit inside your lunch hour.

  • Zoom Teeth Whitening 

The first suggestion for a speedy yet impressive beauty treatments you can easily fit into your lunch hour on a busy working day is to book a session of zoom teeth whitening.

As the name suggests, this simple and non-evasive procedure uses UV rays onto the teeth to whiten the surface of the enamel on each tooth before the dentist uses special cleaning brushes to give their clients a polished and dazzling smile. 

  • A Pedicure

In the winter months, it is understandable if you do not pay much attention at all to your feet and toenails.

However, with summer fast approaching and your natural desire to wear sandals over trainers and socks, it is time to pay attention to your feet. Book in for a professional and relaxing pedicure and/or manicure at an established salon, such as, and return to the office with beautiful nails feeling summer ready. 

  • A Volumizing Blow Dry

Another fabulous way to spend your lunch pampering yourself is to indulge in a volumizing blow dry at a professional hair salon. 

This will take approximately half an hour from start to finish, and you will feel entirely transformed as you walk back to work. Everyone knows that the difference that a haircut or new hairstyle can make to both a person’s physical appearance and, indeed, emotional health and wellbeing, truly knows no bounds. 

  • A Deep Tissue Massage

Whether you enjoy partaking in various sports and sporting activities, are a regular at your local gymnasium’s Zumba class, or work with repetitive movements or heavy lifting, a deep tissue massage is a perfect way to relax.

Taking around thirty minutes from beginning to end, a deep tissue massage is specifically designed to target tense, stretched, and aching muscles. It will allow you to be pampered at the same time as lowering your blood pressure as well as your stress and anxiety levels. 

  • Eyebrow Threading

Finally, if you are blessed with bushy eyebrows and constantly attacking them with your tweezers every morning, you could well do to take just twenty minutes out of your lunch break next week and book in for a session of eyebrow threading.

There are numerous benefits to having your eyebrows threaded over using tweezers yourself at home, including the fact that threading is substantially less painful than waxing, and there is no risk of swelling or burning anywhere around the eye. Additionally, the results of eyebrow threading typically last far longer than plucking or waxing.