3 things that make your life easier and brighter – Shakuntali Siberia’s revelation


There are 3 invisible treasures in this world that can help you to get out of any difficult situation. People who exist along these treasures live their life in complete happiness and wealth.Shakuntali Siberia, the Enlightened woman, the reincarnation of the Ukok princess, the keeper of ancient wisdom, reveals one of the most important secrets of life.

The question of surviving

When something unpleasant or even terrible happens in our life, we often get lost. The fear captures our heart; our body gets cold and the panic rises. It is good if we are strong or skilled enough to cope with the situation, but if we are not, our emotions begin to reign. These destructive emotions are so overwhelming that we can fail or even die not from the situation itself but from our fear and despair. It can be easily imagined on the example of getting lost in the forest in a rainy cold evening. It’s getting dark, the rain is blowing in your face, nobody is around, no cell, flashlight or matches, many strange, unfamiliar sounds around. Not every mind will stay calm and cold in such a situation. It is really hard to cope.

The first treasure

Can you get out of this situation safe and sound? Yes! Shakuntali Siberia gives you here the first invisible treasure – HOPE. Having hope, you can handle any situation that God sends to you. As there is no challenge from God that one cannot cope with. Remember that when you have hope it is like having wings. Shakuntali Siberia says that it gives you the strength to get over the most difficult situation. So you will definitely get out of the forest.

Love lives here

If there is someone out there for whom you care, it will be much easier for you to survive. If you have no one, you would prefer to give up and die in the woods. Love drives us to do something for the one we love. Shakuntali Siberia tells her students that a person must love his/her family, life, home to survive. At her Temple school and during the individual sessions, Sakuntali Siberia offers special practices which will help you to raise the cozy and saving feeling of Love inside.

Faith is the unifying part

Hope and Love make the world go round, but they are nothing without Faith. You must have a strong belief that you can get out of the forest. You must believe that there is always God around Who will show you the way out. Faith is like life itself in your heart. If there is no Faith, then Love and Hope will also leave you. Some people may think that Love, Hope, and Faith are too abstract things to help you right now in the middle of the forest. But as long as you have the Wisdom to use them you will have the blessing from God to handle the circumstances He sends to you.

Sarah’s Story

All the people who come to Shakuntali Siberia change their lives in one way or another. Some of them come almost without hope. So did Sarah. She was quite a prosperous business lady. Being on a business trip, she learned that her house burned out. With her two beloved children and partner inside. She was devastated. She hit the bottom – in order to forget her past life she started using alcohol and drugs. She was wandering and begging on the streets together with other homeless people. Once she found the ad with the announcement of the meeting for women at Shakuntali Siberia’s school. A passerby put it there. At first, she didn’t pay much attention to it and just put a piece of paper into her pocket. Some time passed, and one day Sarah was sitting trying to light the fire to get warm, and she found this piece of paper. Surprisingly, a workshop for women was appointed for that very day. At that moment she didn’t feel like going to any kind of workshop, she even didn’t feel like a woman. But the thought of the warm room where the workshop was going to be surely held made her go there.
That workshop with Shakuntali Siberia changed everything. After that Sarah never came back to the streets. 6 long years took her to come back to normal life but now, after 10 years have passed, Sarah is happy to come back. Now she helps Shakuntali Siberia to hold seminars for women; she also works with people in difficult life situations. Sometimes she tells them her story and for some of them, it becomes the inspiration to change their life.

Find your treasures for life!

Shakuntali Siberia’s group seminars and individual sessions are for those who want to develop their inner strength and discover the natural treasures inside. This will help you in everyday life and get through any unexpected situation in your life easily and spiritually. Visit www.shakuntali.com for the schedule of Shakuntali Siberia’s events.